
We want you to know who we are, how we think, and what we value. Follow our blog to get insight on all things Prominent.

MVPs: The Real MVP

In the game of software development, the MVP (or “Minimum Viable Product”) is the real MVP (“most valuable player”). The Minimal Viable Product is the smallest, simplest, most straightforward software

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Prominent’s Chief Strategy Officer

Between the buzz of innovative projects and the laughter among team members becoming closer, there’s something exciting about growth. We’re especially excited to welcome a crucial addition to our Posse— a

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Day of the Programmer

Today is the Day of the Programmer! It is a special day to honor computer programmers. What? Programmers have a special day? What is a programmer? Do we really know what

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Our Unique Hiring Process

Do you get butterflies in your stomach before an interview? You’re not alone. Since 2009 when Prominent was founded, our team feels those butterflies too, every time we interview candidates for a

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Meet James Fahn, QA Analyst

Quality Assurance Analyst James Fahn has worn many hats in the development space over the years. He has experience in more than a few different aspects of the software development lifecycle,

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Best Practices to Prevent Cyberattacks

Cybersecurity is an increasing concern for organizations and consumers alike. In April of 2020, FBI cybersecurity reported seeing a 300-400% increase in cyberthreat complaints per day* and many are citing the COVID-19

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Meet Daniel Bickler, Architect

Daniel Bickler may not have entered the development field in the traditional fashion, but that hasn’t affected his passion for or his expertise in his career. A crucial member of

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The Importance of a Fine-Tuned SDLC

At Prominent, we pride ourselves on how we differ from many other software development companies. One such difference is our desire for constant improvement, which is apparent throughout our Software

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Project Manager Q&A: Rob Salvaggio

We believe that our team houses some of the most talented individuals in the Midwest. Senior Consultant and Project Manager, Rob Salvaggio is no exception. With decades of experience in project management

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