Custom Software

Give your business processes an upgrade with our custom software solutions and unique development methodologies.

Trusted by Businesses
Large and Small

Stop trying to fit boxed technology
into your business

Custom software offers tailored solutions that specifically address the unique challenges of your business.

Unlike off-the-shelf software, custom solutions are designed to fit seamlessly into existing workflows and processes, maximizing efficiency and productivity. By aligning closely with the business’s objectives and goals, custom software can provide a competitive edge by enabling innovation and differentiation in the market. 

Why Prominent?

Choosing Prominent ensures that your vision, values, and needs are not just acknowledged but actively stewarded throughout every stage of our partnership.

We prioritize collaborative relationships, ensuring that working together is not only productive but enjoyable. Transparency is paramount to us; we speak truthfully, providing candid insights and guidance as we see it. With our expertise and dedication, we transform your imaginative ideas into tangible realities, delivering innovative solutions that drive your business forward.


We work together like we’ve always been part of your team.


Your goals are the measure of our success – we take time to understand them.


We are passionate about delivering results that drive your business forward.

A customized
process that ensures your needs are at the forefront

In this initial phase, we gather comprehensive information about the client’s business, goals, and existing technology infrastructure to understand their unique needs and challenges.

We analyze the collected data to identify specific requirements, pain points, and opportunities, ensuring a clear understanding of what the client needs to achieve their objectives.

Based on the needs assessment, we align our proposed solutions with the client’s goals, presenting customized strategies and technologies that best fit their requirements.

This phase involves detailed planning and coordination with the client, setting clear expectations, timelines, and communication channels to ensure a smooth start to the project.

Our team works on building the proposed solution, following agile methodologies to ensure flexibility and incorporating client feedback throughout the development process.

We deliver incremental updates at predefined milestones, allowing the client to review progress, provide feedback, and ensure the project stays aligned with their expectations.

When all of the features are code complete, polished, through quality assurance and user acceptance testing, it is time to release to production, close the project, and celebrate!

 After delivery, we offer ongoing maintenance and support to ensure the solution continues to operate effectively, addressing any issues promptly and making necessary updates.

Capabilities to meet any
software development need

Capabilities to meet any
software development need

Mobile app consulting & development

Prominent offers expert consulting and development services for mobile apps, helping clients design, build, and deploy user-friendly and high-performance applications for various mobile platforms.

Web app consulting & development

Our team provides comprehensive consulting and development services for web applications, ensuring robust, scalable, and secure solutions tailored to meet your business needs.

IT staff augmentation consulting

We offer IT staff augmentation consulting to help clients efficiently scale their teams with skilled professionals, ensuring they have the right talent to meet project demands and business objectives.

Technology stack consulting

Prominent's technology stack consulting services help clients choose the best tools and technologies for their projects, optimizing performance, scalability, and cost-effectiveness.

Software deployment consulting

Our software deployment consulting services ensure smooth and efficient deployment of software solutions, minimizing downtime and ensuring seamless integration with existing systems.

UX/UI design & consulting

We provide UX/UI design and consulting services to create intuitive and engaging user experiences, enhancing the usability and appeal of your software applications.

Results, delivered.

See what past clients have to say about working with Prominent. 

Scale your vision to
new heights

with custom software solutions & IT staffing