Software Maintenance, Support, & Enhancements

Ensures continuity & reliability with Prominent as your long-term software support partner.

Seamless collaboration for sustained success

Having a long-term partner for software support ensures continuity, reliability, and a deep understanding of your business needs. As your long-term software developer, Prominent’s support team can offer proactive solutions and upgrades that adapt to your evolving workflow environment. 

“Everyone was super easy to work with and I appreciated the communication.”
Michelle Erickson

A dedicated support team that has your back

With a dedicated support team and responsive help desk, you can rely on prompt assistance for any support requests, ensuring minimal disruption to your operations.

Our experienced support engineers provide proactive product support, addressing issues swiftly and effectively to keep your systems running smoothly.

Each business has a dedicated point of contact, making troubleshooting, and support requests quick and easy. 

A reliable, dependable process that
esolves issues quickly

A reliable, dependable process that
resolves issues quickly

Support & maintenance


Flexible, fast, & cost-effective
software support

Our Maintenance and Support services offer a flexible, fast, and efficient solution with low overhead and guaranteed resource availability.

With minimal resource churn and a set monthly cost, clients benefit from volume discounts and insulation from rate increases for the duration of their contract, which can extend up to two years. Our goal is to provide a simple and enjoyable experience, ensuring that businesses can rely on us for dependable, English-speaking support without worrying about unexpected costs or disruptions. Let Prominent go to work for you. 

Low overhead

Guaranteed resource availability

Low resource churn

Set monthly cost

Volume discounts

Simple & flexible!

Fast response times for critical issues

Severity 1 : Response in 1-2 business hours

Users are unable to do their work.

Severity 2 : As quickly as practical

Users can work, but greatly impeded (no workaround).

Severity 3 : Add to backlog & prioritize

Users are impeded, but a short-term workaround exists.

Severity 4 : Add to backlog & prioritize

Break is an annoyance; acceptable workarounds exist.

Frequently asked questions about
software support services

  • Almost anything custom-built over the past 20 years.
  • Mobile Apps, AI, Web Apps, IOT, Custom Software, Integrations, APIs, etc 
  • Languages
    • C#
    • Java
    • Objective C
    • PHP
    • JavaScript 
    • TypeScript
    • Kotlin
    • Swift
    • Python
  • Frameworks
    • Vue.js
    • Node.js
    • Entity Framework
    • .NET
    • Active Directory
    • Firebase
    • Ionic
    • Electron
    • Dapper
    • Twilio
    • Simple Injector
    • Spring Framework
  • Mobile
    • iOS
    • Android
    • Ionic
    • Flutter
    • Xamarin
  • Web
    • Vue.js
    • HTML
    • CSS
    • WebSockets
    • Single Sign On (SSO)
  • Database
    • MS SQL Server
    • PostgreSQL
    • MySQL
  • Cloud
    • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
    • Microsoft Azure
    • Google Cloud Platform


Yes, our help desk is available for all types of customer support, including troubleshooting software functionality. 

Our support team is US-based and we value great customer communication.

Scale your vision to
new heights

with custom software solutions & IT staffing