We Work

Typical Prominent
staffing engagements

Once you engage Prominent for a staffing need, a process is kicked off at Prominent. We are going to spare you some of the details, but at a high level, it looks like this: 

Gather job requirements

Location, duration, must have skills, nice to have skills, desired pay rate, and any additional details. 

Source candidates

Search for potential candidates in internal database, professional network, through referrals and job posts.

Culture screening

Ensure candidates have values which align with the client needs and requirements. 

Technical screening

Verify that candidate’s technical skills and experience fit what client desires.

Prepare candidates

Help candidate clean up resume and understand necessary information about the client.

Present candidates

Send a complete breakdown of the best candidate options to client.


Conduct thorough interviews according to the client’s interview process.

Job offer & start

Execute a job offer to the candidate and ensure a smooth job start. 

Enjoy Work • Speak Truth • Prioritize Relationships
Imagination Into Reality • Steward as Our Own

Our core values

We believe the following are markers of our success:

Prominent believes in empowering our employees and our customers. We hold strongly to our values, which have helped us build a long track record of satisfied clients and a happy team.

Enjoy Work

We are passionate about what we create and have fun doing it.

Speak Truth

The truth must be spoken - even when it is uncomfortable.

Prioritize Relationships

We place a high importance on building relationships - within our team and with our clients.

Imagination Into Reality

You dream it, we will build it.

Steward As
Our Own

Each project is handled as if it belongs to us.

Typical Prominent
solution engagements

Engaging in a software solution can feel daunting. There are so many questions to be answered. How much is it going to cost? When can you have it by? How much will it cost to maintain? How are you going to get all your questions answered?  

 Our mission is to empower confidence in our clients. We have created a process to do just that by answering all those questions and guiding the client along in a process which helps them make great decisions. Here is what a typical solutions process looks like: 

Vision and strategy

Meeting with the Prominent business development team to figure out of Prominent is a good fit. Begin to understand expectations on requirements, budget, timelines, etc.

Discovery call

An initial call with the technical team to further understand if Prominent is the right vendor for this task. 

Solutions roadmap (SRM)

Complete an assessment of customer needs, offering clarity around client’s values, needs, priorities, options, timelines, immediate costs, and ongoing costs.

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Full lifecycle software development (FLSD)

Comprehensive custom project buildout to get client exactly what they are looking for. 

Go-live support services

Short period of extra maintenance, support, and enhancements, immediately following launch of new system. 

Maintenance, support, and enhancements (MSE)

Ongoing work to keep the system working well and relevant to the changes of the client’s business.

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secret sauce

We often refer to our proprietary processes as Prominent’s “secret sauce”. Here are a few of the things that make the Prominent experience special: 

Our team

A service company is only as good as the people who work there. Our team is top notch and what they do and, just as importantly, they are easy to like.

Solutions roadmaps

This is one of the most valuable investments an organization can make when they need to make decisions on an IT solution.

Lightweight estimation

Waterfall requires large up-front investments in the hope of arriving at a solution that is valuable and predictable. Agile says that software development is valuable but cannot be predictable. Prominent’s proprietary process has a lightweight estimation process, enabling us to make IT solutions that are both valuable and predictable, without a gigantic business analysis phase up front. This empowers confident decision making in our clients. 

Fixed price contracts

Many solutions companies are not confident enough in their ability to deliver on time and on budget to do fixed price contracts. We have the team, the processes, and the tools to confidently deliver high-ROI systems on time and under budget. 


Prominent’s SDLC (with Scrum at its core) is constantly being tweaked and honed to ensure reliable delivery for our clients.

Proprietary Tools

Prominent has invested heavily into building our own custom tools which support and enhance our custom process as well as empowering high-quality solution implementation efficiency.

Retainer-based MSE

Our retainer-based Maintenance, Support, and Enhancements service allows customers to have their systems supported, monitored, patched, and enhanced on a predictable budget, with a stable team, insulated from price increases, and eligible for discounts. Our MSE service takes the headache out of keeping your system functional and fresh.

Scale your vision to
new heights

with custom software solutions & IT staffing